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"From sunlight to electricity, paving the way to a greener world"


International Solar Innovation Council, InSIC

Innovating Solar Solutions for Billions


The International Solar Innovation Council (InSIC) is an international non-governmental organization. It was established in Helsinki 25-26th July, 2017, in Hotel Rantapuisto in Vuosaari and in the office of the Finnish Nature Conservation Association (Suomen Luonnonsuojeluliitto) in Lauttasaari. The initiative came from professor Santi Pada GonChaudhury, who is to act as the global chairman of the organization. Professor Gon Chaudhury has, for decades, been one of India’s most well-known solar energy innovators and advocates. He was the driving force behind India’s first kilowatt-class, megawatt-class and gigawatt-class solar power pilot projects and also made the original proposal about the Indian Solar Mission, India’s ambitious solar power programme that is likely to install at least 800 gigawatts of solar electricity during the next 25 years.


To promote accelerated and rapid transition to solar energy age in Asian and African Countries. To foster a spirit of partnership and co-operation among solar energy activists and other stakeholders in Asia and Africa; to establish an operative network to stakeholders. To identify the areas where research works are needed to ensure large scale deployment of Solar products. To enhance quality of products and R & D efforts by connecting entrepreneurs with local technology testing capability, enhancing innovative linkages. To enhance knowledge sharing through effective dissemination of information ,access to suppliers ,advance business and market transformation of solar energy products, devices, systems and services. To act as agent managers, trustees for any society ,association or body. local or international, directly or indirectly related to or engaged in Solar Energy Research.


InSIC strives to undertake research activities on appropriate technological developments in the solar energy sector and to organize seminars, symposiums, workshops, trainings, webinars to enhance the knowledge base about clean energy mainly in Asian countries.


Every year InSIC invites applications from legal entities, especially small-scale industries, start-ups, research institutes, academic institutes and non-governmental organizations (NGO) for its small grants program for innovative solar energy demonstration projects. The aim of the grant is to develop ‘proof of concept’ projects demonstrating solar innovation.


To create awareness among people at large on different important topics related to climate change, solar energy, and other sources of renewable energy and its recent developmental applications.


To create awareness among the students on different sources of Renewable Energy, primarily giving emphasis on solar energy and its technological solutions that can be used to improve quality of life and protect the environment. InSIC has partnership with NBIRT, India in this context.

Meet The Team

Pekka Järvilehto

Chairperson | Board Member | Editorial team member of the newsletter | Grant evaluation committee member | Grant follow-up committee member

Risto Isomaki

Vice-Chairperson | Board Member | Head of the Grant evaluation committee | Editorial team member of the newsletter

Prof. (Dr.) S.P.Gon Chaudhuri

Vice-Chairperson | Board Member | Editorial team member of the newsletter | Grant evaluation committee member | Grant follow-up committee member

Markku Tahkokorpi

Treasurer | Board Member | Editorial team member of the newsletter | Grant evaluation committee member

Elina Mahonen

Board Member | Chief editor of the newsletter | Grant follow-up committee member

Richik GhoshThakur

Board Member | Editorial team member of the newsletter | Grant follow-up committee member

Swarnendu Bhattacharya

Consultant & Secretary | Editorial team member of the newsletter | Grant follow-up committee member | Editor of Webpages

Image by Sigmund

Become a member today, the membership fee is 20 Euro (minimum) and many distinguished personalities are already members of this organization.

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